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Are You Afraid of Success?

Writer's picture: Lisa HooksLisa Hooks

Updated: Nov 23, 2019

Did you know that some people are actually afraid of success? That may sound silly, or even impossible at first. But the fact is that many of us struggle to achieve the things we desire because of subconscious fears. Consciously, you plan, work and strive to succeed in areas that are important to you. But for whatever reason, your hard work and success is thwarted.

Why is this the fate of so many people? In many cases, it is because past experiences in your life have subconsciously made you afraid of success.

Perhaps the environment you grew up in was repeatedly told you each day that "people like you" never get ahead. And if you grew up in a loving and positive environment, but your parents and your family scraped to get by, your brain could be hard-wired to believe that financial success will create a loveless and unhappy life for you.

It is very difficult to overcome years of negative subconscious success beliefs. But that is exactly what is required if you want to achieve success in any area. The powerfully positive news is that once you totally believe you deserve succes, your achievement of that success usually comes rather quickly.

Thomas Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors in history. He once said that, "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." Consistently tell yourself that you deserve success. Yes, you will fail. You will have speed bumps and problems which arise between you and whatever level of success you desire. Just pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and go again.

Here is where you need to follow the lessons of other successful people. First, make it a habit of practicing daily affirmations of success. Tell yourself you are worthy of success. Tell yourself out loud that you are not afraid of failure, you are not afraid of the rewards that success brings. Tell yourself that you were born with a purpose and you will not allow fear of success to stop it!

Write these mantras on a small card and keep it in your wallet or purse where you can constantly review it throughout the day. It is possible to reprogram your brain with positive repetitious statements concerning your success beliefs. Daily affirmations help.

It is very natural to fear the unknown. And in many cases, success is unknown to many of us. Just remember that with a relentless tenacity and a true belief that you deserve successful achievement of your goals, you can and will learn to embrace success rather than fear it. Your purpose is waiting!

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