It may not be a popular thing to admit, but the reality is that we all have experienced envy and jealousy in some form or another. It’s an extremely natural human emotion. Who hasn’t been a bit envious when they see someone with a big car or a big house? However, jealousy, especially in a relationship, can be toxic and lead to major problems. Thankfully, there are some ways to help curb your envy and jealousy, as you will see in this article.
Learn to Appreciate What You Have
Are you counting other’s blessings instead of your own? An effective way to stop being envious is to stop focusing on what other’s have and instead focus on what you have. This is easier said than done of course. As humans, we tend to subconsciously desire what others have. It’s up to you to stop yourself whenever you find yourself desiring something that someone else has and think about something good you have. Instead of desiring that person’s bigger house, think about the fact that you have a house at all when so many don’t.
Step Away from Social Media
It can’t be understated how damaging social media is when it comes to enabling envy and jealousy. It used to be that it was a lot easier to ignore what others did, but social media has made that a lot harder. So many people log onto social media and see all the exciting things others are doing and they get a bit jealous, especially if their own life is a bit of a mess at that point. While no one is saying that you have to abandon social media completely, it can definitely be good for you to cut down on the amount of time spent on social media. Think of it as self-care.
Focus On What’s Causing Jealousy
Extreme jealousy doesn’t just pop out of nowhere. It’s almost always caused by some other issue. For example, in relationships, jealousy usually becomes a problem when there has been some sort of breakdown in trust in the relationship. Envy can manifest from growing up poor or having a sibling who was a favorite. In cases like this, the best way to deal with both envy and jealousy is to deal with the issue that is breeding them in the first place. Don’t be afraid to tackle problems like these head-on, as that is often the best way to stop jealousy and envy in its tracks.